Over the last several months I have been experimenting on how to make the perfect delicous and healthy cocktails with easy to find ingredients and this recipe is one of them. I like having one cocktail just after my evening work outs. Apart from the fun that you will have in making your own cocktails, you will nalso not believe how economical it is to make this stuff at home. Many bloggers and foodies complain about the pricing and quality of most drinks out there so it is just better to enjoy them at home when you can, safer too – no drinking and driving no mugging and no ocrrupt police to mess up your evening.

Cocktails are also healthier than plain beer or wine and they offer so much more flavour and balance in just one glass.

There is only one not-so-healthy ingredient, which is the sugar syrup. Honey/agave/maple syrup just don’t cut it. They all have very different flavous that will affect the taste of your drink in a bad way unless you are making the dawa cocktail. To make a sugar syrup you simply heat 1 cups of water on medium heat, add 2 cups of sugar then stir on low heat until the sugar dissolves. Might seem like a lot but you don’t want a weak syrup which will make you add more syrup subsequently watering down your drink.

Cool it then put in a bottle and refrigerate as it can got bad in a few days – that tells you that store-bought syrups have preservatives that you might want to avoid.

rum fiizz with a twist


  • 1 shot glass (30 ml when filled to the brim – make sure you fill every ingredient to the brim for accuracy) dark rum
  • 1 shot glass fresh local lemon juice (make sure to use local lemon as it has more flavor)
  • 2 shot glasses of homemade sugar syrup
  • 3 dashes on angostura bitters (available at some supermarkets and high-end liquor stores – got mine from the store at galleria) – It also has to be three dashes, no more no less.
  • Lotsa fresh mint (about a handful)
  • 1.5 tot glasses of soda water


  1. Shake it for about 7 seconds (use a cocktail shaker or better yet two good quality stainless steel tumblers of different sizes – cocktail shakers are so damn expensive and it is not like they are adding any flavor to your drink, blegh, Ksh 3200 on Kitchen C o, imagine, for stainless steel – you don’t want plastic).
  2. With a matchstick or lighter, burn one 2 inch sprig of rosemary to release the essential oils. Drop the rosemary in the drink and then add your soda water – never share with a carbonated drink, you know what happens to a soda when you shake it.
  3. Enjoy during sunset after work out or after a long hard day’s work, so refreshing and delicious.